QuitEnds: A pilot of electronic nicotine devices for smoking cessation with alcohol and other drug treatment clients with abrupt cessation or gradual reduction of cigarettes

Ashleigh Guillaumier, Adrian Dunlop, Amanda L. Baker, Coral Gartner, Ron Borland, Billie Bonevski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction and Aims: Research to date with electronic nicotine devices (e-cigs) for cessation and harm reduction has been con-ducted with general population smokers, not smokers from high priority groups with high smoking prevalence who find it difficult to quit smoking. This pilot trial explores the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of the use of e-cigs as smoking cessation aids when used in conjunction with one of two common quit smoking strategies: ‘abrupt cessation’ or ‘gradual reduction’.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36
Number of pages1
JournalDrug and Alcohol Review
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventAustralasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference 2017: APSAD Scientific Alcohol and Drug Conference - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 12 Nov 201715 Nov 2017
https://ashm.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/apsad2017/home (Conference website)


  • Electronic
  • Nicotine Devices
  • Smoking Cessation


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