Re-engineering an English Language Program towards an integrated multimodal curriculum

Kung-Keat Teoh, Lauren Butterworth, Ruby Sims, Grace Chipperfield

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


An English Language Program (ELP) was first established at Flinders University in 2015 to ensure students’ competency in the English language in accordance with the Australian Universities Quality Agency’s Good Practice Principles (2009). The ELP was delivered as an opt-in, non-credit bearing program via five distinct modules. The program was run face-to-face, with the online mode offered in 2020/2021 as a response to Covid-19. Initially, positive attendance and completion numbers were achieved; however, in recent years, attrition has been consistently high, prompting our Academic Language and Learning (ALL) unit to review the ELP to deliver an integrated, authentic, and hybrid program.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022
Event15th Biennial Association for Academic Language and Learning Conference: Diversity, Distance, Digitalisation: Inclusive and supportive practices in ALL - College of Indigenous Futures, Education and the Arts at Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
Duration: 17 Nov 202119 Nov 2021


Conference15th Biennial Association for Academic Language and Learning Conference
Abbreviated titleAALL Conference 2021
Internet address


  • English Language Program (ELP)
  • Academic Language and Learning (ALL)
  • flexibility in learning
  • multimodal learning


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