Remote sensing and hydrogeophysics give a new impetus to integrated hydrological models: A review

M. W. Lubczynski, M. Leblanc, O. Batelaan

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Integrated Hydrological Models (IHMs) dynamically couple surface and groundwater processes across the unsaturated zone domain. IHMs are data intensive and computationally demanding but can provide physically realistic output, particularly if sufficient input data of high quality is available. In-situ observations often have a small footprint and are time and cost-demanding. Satellite remote sensing observations, with their long time series archives and spatially semi-continuous gridded format, as well as hydrogeophysical observations with their flexible, ‘on-demand’ high-resolution data coverage, perfectly complement in-situ observations. We review the contribution of various satellite remote sensing products for IHM: (1) climate forcings, (2) parameters, (3) boundary conditions and (4) observations for constraining model calibration and data assimilation. Our review of hydrogeophysics focuses on the four mentioned IHM contributions, but we analyze them per data acquisition platform, i.e., surface, drone-borne and airborne hydrogeophysics. Finally, the review includes a discussion on the optimal use of satellite remote sensing and hydrogeophysical data in IHMs, as well as a vision for further improvements of data-driven, integrated hydrological modelling.

Original languageEnglish
Article number130901
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Hydrology
Early online date15 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Boundary conditions
  • Climate forcings
  • Integrated hydrological models
  • Observations to constrain simulated state variables
  • Parameters
  • Remote sensing and Hydrogeophysics


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