Robust Encryption Schemes For 3D Content Protection

Research output: Other contribution


Since the 1970s, a large number of encryption schemes have been proposed, among which some have been standardised and widely adopted all over the world, such as data encryption standard (DES) and advanced encryption standard (AES). However, due to the special features of three-dimensional (3D) content, these encryption standards are not a suitable solution for 3D ap- plications. The problem of 3D content encryption is beyond the application of established and well-known encryption algorithms. This is primarily due to the structure of 3D content and the way it is used commercially. Unlike data encryption, where a complete bitstream is encrypted, 3D content encryption introduces several challenges. One of the greatest challenges of 3D con tent encryption is that, in comparison with traditional data and 2D images, 3D content implies a higher level representation or semantics, and in many 3D applications, it is necessary to maintain 3D semantics, such as the spatial and dimensional stability. The major aim of this thesis is to investigate innovative solutions for encrypting 3D content which ensures the usability of encrypted content through maintaining the spatial and dimensional semantics. To this end, we overviewed the relevant background of 3D content and data encryption. We also investigated the limitations of the current techniques in addressing the challenges of 3D content encryption. The literature review delineated the scope of the research and identified the existing problems and limitations.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputPDF online
Number of pages179
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Doctor of Philosophy, Thesis (Doctorate) – Griffith University


  • Encryption schemes
  • Data encryption standard
  • 3D content encryption
  • Advanced encryption standard


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