Ryan S. Gustafsson, Rebecca Hill, and Helen Ngo (editors), Philosophies of Difference: Nature, Racism, and Sexuate Difference. London and New York: Routledge, 2019 (ISBN 13: 978-1-138-61750-6)

Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewpeer-review


It seems important to begin by noting that the inspiration for the volume Philosophies of Difference: Nature, Racism, and Sexuate Difference originated in the Melbourne Philosophies of Difference seminars, established in 2016 by the editors with the aim of providing a space for scholars to engage with topics that are too often overlooked by the dominant traditions of Western philosophical thought. This edited collection is thus an important record of some of the work performed in the public forum of the Melbourne seminars, and each contribution to the volume seeks, in various ways, to engage philosophically with the concept of difference in relation to questions of sexuate difference, racism, nature, and decoloniality. Furthermore, the diverse and original perspectives included in this carefully curated collection, which extends beyond the original seminars, demonstrates the success of the editors' aims to challenge the white male hegemony of "Western" philosophy, and to give space to overlooked intellectual viewpoints within this tradition. This collection reflects an awareness of the diversity of feminist philosophical perspectives and makes a significant contribution to feminist philosophy as well as to critical race philosophy. Contributions include an interview with Elizabeth Grosz on her recent work in onto-ethics, two novel readings of Luce Irigaray's philosophy of sexuate difference, an excellent philosophical engagement with antiracist activism, as well as chapters exploring the notion of difference in relation to questions of vegetal ontologies, racism, nature, and poetry.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • gender studies
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • race philosophy
  • Western philosophical thought
  • antiracist activism


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