Safe sleep space alternative for Aboriginal families in Australia: A strengths based community approach to research

Nina Sivertsen, Julian Grant, Alice Steeb, Nicola Spurrier, Deanna Stuart-Butler, Janiene Deverix, Casey Nottage

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventWomen's Leadership and Empowerment Conference - Aetas Lumpini Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
    Duration: 1 Mar 20173 Mar 2017
    Conference number: 8th


    ConferenceWomen's Leadership and Empowerment Conference
    Abbreviated titleWLEC2017
    OtherWomen’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference is an annual conference covering to women’s issues, women’s rights, empowerment of women and leadership. Each year WLEC gathers inspiring women, leaders in various fields, social workers and academics from all over the world.

    Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference is a three-day program, which consists of presentations of accepted proposals, networking activities and open discussions. WLEC is open to those interested in gaining leadership skills and new knowledge as well as those who want to share their own achievements and network with distinguished women leaders from across the globe.

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