Secondary bending of lap joint designs using digital image correlation and finite element analysis

Stuart Wildy, John Codrington, Van Tien Pham, Rachelle Ferber, Jayson McNamara, Aaron Baker

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Lap joints inherently experience a phenomenon known as secondary bending, which is caused by the eccentricity of the fastened sheets with respect to the load path. Within the aircraft structure, the amount of secondary bending is reduced due to the internal stringers and support frame. However, lap joint laboratory test samples are isolated from the main structure and typically experience large secondary bending. This secondary bending can alter the outcomes from mechanical testing, especially for fatigue crack initiation and growth behaviour. It is therefore important to understand the level of secondary bending for various lab test sample designs so that consideration can be made when testing such designs. This study investigates the secondary bending in three lap joint designs using digital image correlation and finite element analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event20th Australian International Aerospace Congress -
Duration: 27 Feb 20231 Mar 2023
Conference number: 20


Conference20th Australian International Aerospace Congress


  • lap joints
  • secondary bending
  • digital image correlation
  • finite element analysis


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