Set-Off In International Arbitration: What Can The Asian Region Learn?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


It has become almost trite to mention the enormity of the Internet as a repository for our collective knowledge. However, it is an interesting exercise to search the Internet for the purpose of understanding what is and is not at the forefront of our minds. A 'Google' search of the words 'Notice of Arbitration' returns around 8,150 results; 'Statement of Claim' around 122,000 and 'Defence' around 23,900,000. Contrast this with a search of 'Set-off Defence' which returns a mere 74 entries.1 It is immediately acknowledged that this is far from empirical evidencebut it does at least serve to demonstrate one of this article's primary contentions the 'set-off defences' as a legal topic generally, but particularly in the context of international arbitration,2 requires considerable exploration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-160
Number of pages20
JournalAsian International Arbitration Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Set-off defence
  • international arbitration
  • Asian region


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