Shut your cakehole, you over-educated whore: The misogynistic weaponization of the PhD

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The (higher) education of women is a pinball in the arcade game of contemporary masculinity. Andrew Tate, while often proclaiming the irrelevance of university degrees, has deployed their nomenclature through his Facebook page, titled the Tate University. One of his ‘courses’ was described as a PhD (Pimpin’ Hoes Degree). Why is the education of women discredited, yet the language of education summoned and activated to build the ‘alpha male’?

This article does not (only) investigate Andrew Tate, alpha culture or the black pill ideology. It explores why the higher education of women – and university-educated women – is a focus of sustained, brutalizing name calling and abuse in the manosphere.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134-151
Number of pages18
JournalFast Capitalism
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 Oct 2024


  • Andrew Tate
  • Manosphere
  • Alpha men
  • Incel
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Men’s Studies
  • Feminism


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