Sleep health management within primary care: Knowledge, experiences and attitudes of Australian general practice nurses

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract



Inadequate quality sleep is a growing public health issue worldwide. In Australia, sleep disorder management is primarily provided by specialist sleep services and increasing demand is leading to long wait times for care. Evidence has shown that less complex sleep health management can successfully be conducted outside of the specialist setting within primary health care, however this has yet to be widely translated into clinical practice. Research shows that nurses working within general practice in Australia (practice nurses) are often not working to their full scope of practice and are keen to expand their role. Since 2001, practice nurses have expanded their role within chronic disease management to meet the needs of their patients. This study aims to investigate if similar change could occur with sleep health care, by exploring the current knowledge, experiences and attitudes of practice nurses when caring for adults experiencing sleep difficulties or those with a diagnosed sleep disorder.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2019
EventSleep Down Under 2019: 31st ASM of Australasian Sleep Technologists Association - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 16 Oct 201919 Oct 2019
Conference number: 31


ConferenceSleep Down Under 2019
OtherSleep DownUnder 2019 featured expert sleep clinicians and scientists from Australia and New Zealand and international speakers who shared the latest advancements and innovations in the world of sleep research and clinical practice
Internet address


  • Sleep health management
  • Primary care
  • Australian general practice nurses


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