Slow violence in a digital world: Tarahumara apocalypse and endogenous meaning in Mulaka

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The Tarahumara people of Northern Mexico are not strangers to environmental degradation. As recently as 2017, they witnessed the assassination of environmental activist leaders in their community who protested illegal logging and continue to survive a decade-long drought that exemplifies the environmental degradation brought on by climate change. With a Latin American games industry that mostly facilitates American, Canadian, and European games and a Latinx population represented, but for the most part scattered, through Northern game companies, neither of which particularly promotes uniquely Latinx themes or environments in games, Chihuahua-based game development team Lienzo seeks to raise awareness of Tarahumara culture and folklore through the video game Mulaka. Deploying industry-standard mechanics reifying certain forms of violence, the game’s endogenous meaning nonetheless conveys an ecocritical message about slow violence-Rob Nixon’s term-and the outcome, should we chose inaction. Indigenous games like Mulaka demonstrate that in spite of being plagued by many forms of toxicity, our deeply interconnected lands and peoples are worth fighting for.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEcofictions, Ecorealities, and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World
EditorsIlka Kressner, Ana María Mutis, Elizabeth Pettinaroli
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherTaylor and Francis - Balkema
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9781000752885
ISBN (Print)9780367426712
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameRoutledge studies in world literatures and the environment


  • Tarahumara
  • environmental degradation
  • Mulaka
  • climate change
  • games
  • slow violence


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