Smart ageing: Digital solutions for future care

Anthony Maeder, Gary Morgan

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We propose a framework for discourse on digital solutions to support consumers and carers in delivery of health care and services for aged persons, based on a major needs analysis conducted across 56 diverse business entities in Australia. The resulting framework was based on two major identified domains:”Ageing in Place” for independent living situations, and”Ageing with Care” for managed aged care facilities. The paper describes the process used and the intermediate outcomes which enabled the framework to be synthesized. It is anticipated that the framework could be used to inform future scoping studies and to enable collaborative design, implementation and delivery of appropriate smart ageing digital solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2020
Event30th Medical Informatics Europe Conference, MIE 2020 - Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 28 Apr 20201 May 2020


Conference30th Medical Informatics Europe Conference, MIE 2020


  • Ageing
  • Health services delivery
  • Models of care


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