Social dynamics and activity patterns of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Jervis bay, Southeastern Australia

L. M. Möller, R. G. Harcourt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Group characteristics, activity patterns, and the occurrence of recognisable bottlenose dolphins were documented from boat surveys conducted in Jervis Bay between May 1997 and April 1998. Bottlenose dolphins were found to occur in the bay year-round, with group size ranging from a single animal up to 64 individuals (x = 15.3, SD = 14.2; median = 9, interquartile range = 18). Calves were observed during all seasons, and group size was positively correlated to the number of calves in the group. Newborns were observed only in summer and autumn. Group size was significantly different according to activities, being smaller during feeding, and larger during socialising. The most frequently recorded group activity was travelling, followed by feeding, milling and socialising. The frequency of activities changed according to season, with an increase in travelling from winter to summer and autumn, and an increase in feeding in winter and spring. A total of 103 individual dolphins were identified, with most seen in the bay either year-round or only within one season.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-189
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales
Issue number120
Publication statusPublished - 1998
Externally publishedYes


  • Activity patterns
  • Behaviour
  • Bottlenose dolphins
  • Jervis bay
  • Photo-identification
  • Population structure
  • Site fidelity
  • Social dynamics
  • Southeastern Australia
  • Tursiops truncatus


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