South African guidelines excellence (SAGE): Efficient, effective and unbiased clinical practice guideline teams

Karen Grimmer, Janine Margarita Dizon, Quinette Louw, Tamara Kredo, Taryn Young, Shingai Machingaidze

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

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A range of different evidence-based methods for clinical practice guideline activities have been established, and there is common agreement in these that poorly conceived CPG team composition and management can jeopardise CPG integrity. Recognised CPG initiatives therefore provide guidance on CPG team construction and management. In this editorial, we outline steps for effective, efficient and outcome-focused CPG team membership, roles and management: (i) determine responsibilities and tasks; (ii) identify ‘experts’ and their ‘voices’; (iii) identify a CPG team leader; (iv) determine and declare conflicts of interest; (v) determine CPG team terms of reference; (vi) establish CPG timeframes and tailored capacity development; and (vii) establish consensus. Writing CPGs can be time-consuming and expensive.Efforts therefore need to be underpinned by efficient, respectful and agreed processes. Justifying CPG team membership, declaring conflicts of interest, identifying efficient ways of hearing constituent ‘voices’, defining and time-lining team tasks and roles, providing necessary training, and respecting individuals’ efforts and time should ensure that CPG team members enjoy their experiences. This will contribute to growing CPG expertise in South Africa and beyond.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)440-441
Number of pages2
JournalSouth African Medical Journal
Issue number5
Early online date29 Mar 2016
Publication statusPublished - May 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • South African Guidelines Excellence (SAGE)
  • Clinical practice guidelines
  • South Africa


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