Specificity of the organic acid activation of alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria

A. Harvey Millar, Marcel H.N. Hoefnagel, David A. Day, Joseph T. Wiskich

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96 Citations (Scopus)


The claim that succinate and malate can directly stimulate the activity of the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria (A.M. Wagner, C.W.M. van den Bergen, H. Wincencjusz [1995] Plant Physiol 108: 1035-1042) was reinvestigated using sweet potato (lpomoea batatas L.) mitochondria. In whole mitochondria, succinate (in the presence of malonate) and both L- and D-malate stimulated respiration via alternative oxidase in a pH- (and NAD+)-dependent manner. Solubilized malic enzyme catalyzed the oxidation of both L- and D-malate, although the latter at only a low rate and only at acid pH. In submitochondrial particle preparations with negligible malic enzyme activity, neither L- nor D-malate stimulated alternative oxidase activity. However, even in the presence of high malonate concentrations, some succinate oxidation was observed via the alternative oxidase, giving the impression of stimulation of the oxidase. Neither L-malate nor succinate (in the presence of malonate) changed the dependence of alternative oxidase activity on ubiquinone reduction state in submitochondrial particles. In contrast, a large change in this dependence was observed upon addition of pyruvate. Half-maximal stimulation of alternative oxidase by pyruvate occurred at less than 5 μM in submitochondrial particles, one-twentieth of that reported for whole mitochondria, suggesting that pyruvate acts on the inside of the mitochondrion. We suggest that malate and succinate do not directly stimulate alternative oxidase, and that reports to the contrary reflect intramitochondrial generation of pyruvate via malic enzyme.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)613-618
Number of pages6
JournalPlant Physiology
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1996
Externally publishedYes


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