Standards of english in higher education: Issues, challenges and strategies, Neil Murray, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2016), first paperback edition 2017.301pp. ISBN 978110843643-4. UK£22.99

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


International students comprise a growing proportion of the university student population in English-medium universities. Standards of English in Higher Education explores what Murray calls ‘the English language question’ in the internationalised higher education sector. This book provides an important account of the issues surrounding institutional English language proficiency requirements and the types of institutional support needed to support the increasing international student cohort. Many people working within the university system do not have a good overview of how international students are screened, admitted, and supported. They often lack knowledge of the detail involved in, and the importance of, having good governance structures and practices in place to allow high quality language development opportunities to be implemented. As such, this book is essential reading for a range of people in the university system, from policy-makers and administrators, through to lecturers and academic support staff.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)88-90
Number of pages3
Journal Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


  • International Students
  • Standards of English
  • Challenges
  • Issues


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