Still The Festival State? Future Intentions Of South Australians To Engage In Events Amidst COVID-19 Restriction Easing

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Events and festivals provide value to destinations as well as individuals, with events used to market a destination and encourage visitation in addition to offering a platform for individuals to socialise and gain benefits. This has been distinctly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many events and festivals cancelled, postponed or operating under restrictions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2021
EventCAUTHE 2021 Conference Online: Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future perfect in tourism, hospitality and events - , Australia
Duration: 9 Feb 202112 Feb 2021


ConferenceCAUTHE 2021 Conference Online
OtherIn keeping with the theme, Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future perfect in tourism, hospitality and events, recent trends and developments have required us all to transform the way we live, work, travel, study and socialise. In this state of flux and new context, the online CAUTHE 2021 conference provides a great opportunity for CAUTHE to expand its reach and impact by welcoming and encompassing into its program scholars from all over the globe as well as enabling them to exchange knowledge, deepen and establish new international collaborations.

The CAUTHE 2021 conference aims to advance current debates regarding transformations and future directions in tourism, hospitality and events. To that end, the conference brings together scholars, researchers, professionals and policymakers, to stimulate discussions and the exchange of research findings and ideas pertaining, but not limited to questions addressing the conference theme.
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Bibliographical note

ISBN 978-0-9945141-6-5


  • Events
  • Festivals
  • COVID-19
  • South Australia


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