Submission to Parliamentary Joint Inquiry: Whistleblowing

Vivienne Brand, Sulette Lombard

    Research output: Other contribution


    Dear Secretary
    Inquiry into Whistleblowing Protections
    We are legal academics in the Law School at Flinders University of South Australia, with a research focus in the area of corporate whistleblowing.

    Submission on Terms of Reference Item (d): Compensation arrangements, bounty systems.

    We have researched in particular the range of incentives that might be offered to encourage whistleblowers to come forward, and to compensate them for doing so. In our view whistleblowing incentives and protections involve multidimensional policy considerations, but a well-developed framework of incentives will undoubtedly strengthen whistleblower structures overall, with positive regulatory outcomes.
    As part of any Australian consideration of the potential to introduce a ‘bounties’ system we believe there are a number of important policy factors to consider. Some of these are highlighted below.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • whistleblowing
    • Australian culture
    • compensation


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