Supporting diverse gifted students

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


As discussed in previous chapters, the concept of inclusive education is based on the premise that every student should have the opportunity to access quality learning experiences, participate in education in meaningful ways, progress towards a level of achievement commensurate with their potential, and be supported to feel a sense of belonging to a classroom and school community (Ainscow et al. 2013). While discussions of inclusion often concern students with disabilities or learning recognise difficulties, intellectually important nature and to or gifted even these due recognise principles to their needs of that gifted some marginalise are gifted relevant advanced classroom students can and students to all employ a school and students, range practices create including cognitive abilities in comparison of have barriers practices the to those to age considered peers. within potential effective and to It is beyond not learning, participation and belonging. On the other hand, teachers and school leaders who understand the the classroom to ensure these students thrive together with their peers. In this chapter, we consider common characteristics and learning needs of gifted students, while acknowledging that there is no single, agreed-upon definition of giftedness and no ‘typical’ gifted student. As a subgroup of gifted students, we also consider students regarded of inclusive school and classroom settings. as ‘ twice exceptional ’, in that they have a disability or learning difficulty in addition to being identified as gifted. The chapter presents a framework for understanding and addressing the needs of diverse gifted students in the context of inclusive school and classroom settings.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDiversity, inclusion and engagement
EditorsMervyn Hyde, Shelley Dole, Kathleen Tait
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherOxford University Press
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9780190329495
ISBN (Print)9780190329488
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • gifted students
  • learning experiences
  • education


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