Tethered and Polymer Supported Bilayer Lipid Membranes: Structure and Function

Jakob Andersson, Ingo Koper

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    Solid supported bilayer lipid membranes are model systems to mimic natural cell membranes in order to understand structural and functional properties of such systems. The use of a model system allows for the use of a wide variety of analytical tools including atomic force microscopy, impedance spectroscopy, neutron reflectometry, and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. Among the large number of different types of model membranes polymer-supported and tethered lipid bilayers have been shown to be versatile and useful systems. Both systems consist of a lipid bilayer, which is de-coupled from an underlying support by a spacer cushion. Both systems will be reviewed, with an emphasis on the effect that the spacer moiety has on the bilayer properties.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number30
    Number of pages14
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


    • Membrane structure and function
    • Model membrane
    • Solid supported membrane


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