The assessment of hearing thresholds in the presence of infrasound

Branko Zajamsek, Kristy L. Hansen, Gorica Micic, Peter Catcheside, Colin H. Hansen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Preliminary results on hearing threshold at low frequencies in the presence of infrasound at inaudible levels are presented. The measurements were taken under free-field conditions in an anechoic room. The infrasonic source is able to generate pure-tone sound pressure levels up to 68 dB in the 8 Hz one-third octave band and up to 57 dB in the 1 Hz one-third octave band without any significant harmonic distortions. Hearing thresholds were determined in the frequency region from 50 to 400 Hz for 11 otologically normal participants, with and without infrasound present. Although some participants showed altered hearing thresholds in the presence of infrasound, there were no statistically significant group effects. These preliminary results require cautious interpretation, with further data required to clarify if there are any consistent effects of infrasound on low frequency hearing thresholds.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event7th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 2 May 20175 May 2017


Conference7th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise


  • hearing threshold
  • Infrasound
  • Wind farm noise


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