The CLASS Study (Circadian Light in Adolescence, Sleep and School): Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort to assess sleep, light, circadian timing and academic performance in adolescence

Julia E Stone, Joshua Wiley, Evangelos Chachos, Anthony J Hand, Sinh Lu, Monika Raniti, Elizabeth Klerman, Steven W Lockley, Mary A Carskadon, Andrew J K Phillips, Bei Bei, Shantha M W Rajaratnam, CLASS Study Team

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Background: During adolescence, sleep and circadian timing shift later, contributing to restricted sleep duration and irregular sleep-wake patterns. The association of these developmental changes in sleep and circadian timing with cognitive functioning, and consequently academic outcomes, has not been examined prospectively. The role of ambient light exposure in these developmental changes is also not well understood. Here, we describe the protocol for the Circadian Light in Adolescence, Sleep and School (CLASS) Study that will use a longitudinal design to examine the associations of sleep-wake timing, circadian timing and light exposure with academic performance and sleepiness during a critical stage of development. We also describe protocol adaptations to enable remote data collection when required during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Methods: Approximately 220 healthy adolescents aged 12-13 years (school Year 7) will be recruited from the general community in Melbourne, Australia. Participants will be monitored at five 6 monthly time points over 2 years. Sleep and light exposure will be assessed for 2 weeks during the school term, every 6 months, along with self-report questionnaires of daytime sleepiness. Circadian phase will be measured via dim light melatonin onset once each year. Academic performance will be measured via national standardised testing (National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy) and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Australian and New Zealand Standardised Third Edition in school Years 7 and 9. Secondary outcomes, including symptoms of depression, anxiety and sleep disorders, will be measured via questionnaires. 

Discussion: The CLASS Study will enable a comprehensive longitudinal assessment of changes in sleep-wake timing, circadian phase, light exposure and academic performance across a key developmental stage in adolescence. Findings may inform policies and intervention strategies for secondary school-aged adolescents. 

Ethics and Dissemination: Ethical approval was obtained by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee and the Victorian Department of Education. Dissemination plans include scientific publications, scientific conferences, via stakeholders including schools and media. 

Study Dates: Recruitment occurred between October 2019 and September 2021, data collection from 2019 to 2023.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere055716
Number of pages10
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • COVID-19
  • Mental health
  • Sleep medicine


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