The development of the louis MACRO (mother and child risk observation) forms: Assessing parent-infant-child risk in the presence of maternal mental illness

Andrea Louis, John Condon, Rosalyn Shute, Rob Elzinga

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)


    of the MACRO (Mother and Child Risk Observation) 1 and 2 forms rage 0 to 4 year) are presented. The MACRO forms provide ratings on five domains three related to parenting, two on infant (or child) characteristics and maternal mental state. Case vignettes illustrate their clinical utility. Method: Ratings on the MACRO of 110 mother-infant anti 85 mother-toddler consecutive admissions to a South Australian psychiatric in patient mother-infant unit provided data on internal consistency, interrater, and test-retest reliability. Results: Internal consistency was between .79 to .95 for all MACRO domains. Item-total correlations were between 39 and .90 with the exception of one item, Social Support. Distributions of item scores indicated acceptable discrimination. Interrater reliability was .79 or above for all domains. Test-retest reliability after 7 days was 71 or above. Conclusions: Preliminary psychometric investigations of the MACRO was favorable. Should further validity investigations prove satisfactory, the MACRO will provide a valuable clinical and research tool. The MACRO offers a convenient framework for assessing risk and interpreting the impact of maternal mental illness upon children within a context that permits consideration of factors such as illness severity, parenting practices, and child contribution to outcome.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)589-606
    Number of pages18
    JournalChild Abuse and Neglect
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 1997


    • Assessment
    • Clinical
    • Depression
    • Mother-child
    • Relationship


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