The Development of the Public Health Data Management System

Deborah van Gaans, Katina D'Onise, Tony Cardone, Robyn McDermott

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The design and development of the Public Health Research Data Management System highlights how it is possible to construct an information system, which allows greater access to well, preserved public health research data to enable it to be reused and shared. The Public Health Research Data Management System (PHRDMS) manages clinical, health service, community and survey research data within a secure web environment. The conceptual model under pinning the PHRDMS is based on three main entities: participant, community and health service. The PHRDMS was designed to provide data management to allow for data sharing and reuse. The system has been designed to enable rigorous research and ensure that: data that are unmanaged be managed, data that are disconnected be connected, data that are invisible be ?ndable, data that are single use be reusable, within a structured collection. The PHRDMS is currently used by researchers to answer a broad range of policy relevant questions, including monitoring incidence of renal disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental health problems in different risk groups.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere10
Number of pages9
Journale-Journal of Health Informatics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Public health
  • Data management
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Australians
  • Health Informatics


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