The DIY PhD student: Doctoral education and punking the podcast

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Sound has a potent role in the history of teaching and learning, yet sonic andragogy remains uneven, marginalized and undertheorized. A key media intervention is revisioning this historiography and enlivening sonic educational studies. This article summons the distinctiveness of podcasting, alongside its renewed popularity, with specific attention to the innovations in mode, genre, delivery mechanism, audience and community building capacities when deployed in higher degree programmes. While the PhD differs widely in its international formulation, particularly with regard to the role of coursework, publications and duration of the degree, the national specificities can travel and be shared through sonic deterritorialized media. This article ‘punks’ the podcast, showing how PhD students can transform the shape of their candidature through sound.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-38
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Social Sciences and Education Studies
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019

Bibliographical note

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  • doctor of philosophy
  • podcasting
  • DIY Media
  • Maker Culture
  • Punk Learning
  • Digital Media
  • Social Media


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