The Effectiveness of Technological Interventions For Addressing Social Isolation And Loneliness Among Older People: A Systematic Review: Preliminary findings from a mixed methods systematic review of the literature

Rachel Ambagtsheer, Kim Borg, Louise Townsin, Maria Alejandra Pinero de Plaza, Michael Lawless

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Older people were disproportionately impacted by social distancing measures arising from the coronavirus pandemic, increasing their risk of experiencing social isolation and loneliness. Technology is frequently proposed to enhance social engagement; however, few reviews have addressed its efficacy among older people from a theoretical standpoint.

We addressed three research questions: 1) What is the effectiveness of technology-based interventions in addressing social isolation and loneliness among older people? 2) What are the key barriers and enablers of such interventions? 3) What key theoretical frameworks have informed these interventions?

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2021
Event54th AAG Conference: Innovation in Ageing for the future -
Duration: 9 Nov 202112 Nov 2021
Conference number: 54th (Conference program)


Conference54th AAG Conference
Internet address


  • Digital health
  • Isolation
  • Loneliness
  • ageing and aged care
  • Health access


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