The mental health of Australians bereaved during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: a latent class analysis

F. Maccallum, L. J. Breen, J. L. Phillips, M. R. Agar, A. Hosie, J. Tieman, M. Digiacomo, T. Luckett, J. Philip, S. Ivynian, S. Chang, A. Dadich, C. H. Grossman, I. Gilmore, J. Harlum, I. Kinchin, N. Glasgow, E. A. Lobb

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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many areas of life, including culturally accepted practices at end-of-life care, funeral rites, and access to social, community, and professional support. This survey investigated the mental health outcomes of Australians bereaved during this time to determine how these factors might have impacted bereavement outcomes. 


An online survey indexing pandemic and bereavement experiences, levels of grief, depression, anxiety, and health, work, and social impairment. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify groups of individuals who shared similar symptom patterns. Multinomial regressions identified pandemic-related, loss-related, and sociodemographic correlates of class membership. 


1911 Australian adults completed the survey. The LCA identified four classes: low symptoms (46.8%), grief (17.3%), depression/anxiety (17.7%), and grief/depression/anxiety (18.2%). The latter group reported the highest levels of health, work, and social impairment. The death of a child or partner and an inability to care for the deceased due to COVID-19 public health measures were correlated with grief symptoms (with or without depression and anxiety). Preparedness for the person's death and levels of pandemic-related loneliness and social isolation differentiated all four classes. Unemployment was associated with depression/anxiety (with or without grief). 


COVID-19 had profound impacts for the way we lived and died, with effects that are likely to ricochet through society into the foreseeable future. These lessons learned must inform policymakers and healthcare professionals to improve bereavement care and ensure preparedness during and following future predicted pandemics to prevent negative impacts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1361 - 1372
Number of pages12
JournalPsychological Medicine
Issue number7
Early online date5 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • anxiety
  • bereavement
  • COVID-19
  • depression
  • grief
  • prolonged grief


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