The prevalence and correlates of low sexual functioning in women on hemodialysis: A multinational, cross-sectional study

Valeria Saglimbene, Patrizia Natale, Suetonia Palmer, Marco Scardapane, Jonathan Craig, Marinella Ruospo, Letizia Gargano, Giuseppe Lucisano, Marietta Torok, Eduardo Celia, Ruben Gelfman, Anna Bednarek-Skublewska, Jan Dulawa, Paul Stroumza, Miguel Leal, Domingo Del Castillo, Angelo Murgo, Staffan Schon, Charlotta Wollheim, Jorgen HegbrantGiovanni Strippoli

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Sexual dysfunction may affect 80% of women in hemodialysis. However the specific patterns and clinical correlates of sexual functioning remain poorly described. The aim of this study was to assess prevalence and correlates of the individual domains of sexual functioning in women treated with hemodialysis. We recruited, into this multinational cross-sectional study, women treated with long-term hemodialysis (Collaborative Working Group on Depression and Sexual dysfunction in Hemodialysis study). Self-reported domains of sexual functioning were assessed by the Female Sexual Function Index, which is routinely administered within the network of dialysis patients followed by the working group. Lower scores represented lower sexual functioning. Socio-demographic and clinical correlates of each domain of sexual functioning were identified by stepwise multivariable linear regression. Sensitivity analyses were restricted to women who reported being sexually active. We found that of 1309 enrolled women, 659 (50.3%) provided complete responses to FSFI survey questions and 232 (35%) reported being sexually active. Overall, most respondents reported either no sexual activity or low sexual functioning in all measured domains (orgasm 75.1%; arousal 64.0%; lubrication 63.3%; pain 60.7%; satisfaction 60.1%; sexual desire 58.0%). Respondents who were waitlisted for a kidney transplant reported scores with higher sexual functioning, while older respondents reported scores with lower functioning. The presence of depression was associated with worse lubrication and pain scores [mean difference for depressed versus non-depressed women (95% CI) -0.42 (-0.73 to -0.11), -0.53 (-0.89 to -0.16), respectively] while women who had experienced a previous cardiovascular event reported higher pain scores [-0.77 (-1.40- to -0.13)]. In conclusion, women in hemodialysis reported scores consistent with marked low sexual functioning across a range of domains; the low functioning appeared to be associ ated with comorbidity.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0179511
Number of pages12
JournalPLoS One
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


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