The use of virtual patients in teaching motivational interviewing skills: Adopting new technologies and cultures of learning

Adrian Schoo, Candice Oster, Richard Leibbrandt, Anthony Maeder, Christopher Antonello, Andrea Morello, David Powers, Belinda Lange, John Litt, Sharon Lawn

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a key skill for supporting behavioural change during client consultations and
is of crucial importance across all health professions to address the growing burden of chronic conditions, but it is challenging to learn and maintain fidelity. There is a growing trend towards using virtual patients to educate health professionals in various clinical skills. Virtual patients (VPs) allow learners to engage with simulated patients, providing a safe environment in which to practice their skills. There are various approaches to the development of and engagement with VPs. It is important that VP development incorporates input from health professionals and educators to ensure the integration of VPs with cultures that support learning.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventAustralian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators, ANZAHPE 2020 Vision for Learning Cultures Conference (Conference Cancelled). - Pullman Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 12 Jul 202015 Jul 2020


ConferenceAustralian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators, ANZAHPE 2020 Vision for Learning Cultures Conference (Conference Cancelled).
Abbreviated titleANZAHPE 2020
Internet address


  • virtual patients
  • interviewing skills
  • new technologies
  • motivational interviewing


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