title = "Three-body system in leading order Effective Field Theory without three-body forces",
abstract = "The use of leading order effective field theory (EFT) to describe neutron- deuteron scattering leads to integral equations that have unusual behaviour: when only two-body interactions are included, the scattering amplitude does not approach a limit when the cutoff used to solve the equations is removed. It has recently been shown that this cutoff dependence can be eliminated by the careful inclusion of a three-body force. In this paper we show that the cutoff dependence is just a reflection of the fact that the aforementioned inte- gral equations admit an infinite number of solutions amongst which only one corresponds to the physical scattering amplitude. We show how to numeri- cally extract the physical scattering amplitude from the general solution and in this way explicitly demonstrate that the amplitude for a particle scatter- ing off a two-body bound state, in leading order EFT, is in fact determined entirely by two-body forces.",
author = "B. Blankleider and J. Gegelia",
year = "2000",
month = sep,
day = "5",
doi = "10.48550/arXiv.nucl-th/0009007",
language = "English",
series = "arXiv submission",
publisher = "arXiv submission",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "arXiv submission",