Triceps tendon repair: Open techniques

Andrea Celli, Roger P. van Riet, Felix H. Savoie, Michael J. O'Brien, Gregory Bain

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Triceps injuries, including triceps tendon ruptures, are relatively rare. Recently, the knowledge of tendon lesions has increased, and it seems to be related to more precise diagnostic and clinical assessments. The most common mechanism of injury remains a forceful eccentric contraction of the muscle. Several other risk factors have been studied, such as chronic renal failure, endocrine disorders, metabolic bone diseases, and steroid use. Olecranon bursitis and local corticosteroid injections may also play a role. The most common site of rupture is at the tendon’s insertion into the olecranon and rarely at the myotendinous junction or intramuscularly. Surgical intervention is recommended in acute complete ruptures; non-operative treatment is reserved for patients with major comorbidities, as well as for partial ruptures with little functional disability and in low demand patients. Various techniques and approaches have been proposed for the management of these challenging injuries. The goal of surgical management should be an anatomical repair of the injured tendon by selection of a procedure with a low complication rate and one that allows early mobilization.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSurgical Techniques for Trauma and Sports Related Injuries of the Elbow
EditorsGregory Bain, Denise Eygendaal, Roger P. van Riet
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9783662589311
ISBN (Print)9783662589304
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Triceps rupture
  • Triceps insufficiency
  • Direct repair
  • Anconeus rotational flap
  • Achilles tendon allograft
  • Olecranon bone deficiency


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