Two puppeteers walk into a Japanese bathhouse in The Dark Inn

William Peterson

Research output: Other contribution

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The darkness of the human condition, where people are enslaved by their own desires in a kind of Buddhist hell, may not seem like a pleasant subject for an evening of theatre. But in The Dark Inn, Japan’s brilliant playwright-director Kuro Tanino and his company, Niwa Gekidan Penino, give these themes a captivating and at times mesmerising contemporary updating.
Original languageEnglish
TypePerfromance review
Media of outputWebsite
PublisherThe Conversation
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 5 Oct 2017

Bibliographical note

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  • OzAsia Festival
  • Performance review
  • The Dark Inn
  • Kuro Tanino
  • Niwa Gekidan Penino


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