Urban Child Labor in Bangladesh: Determinants and Its Possible Impacts on Health and Education

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(1) Background: A significant proportion of child laborers are compelled to work in exploitative environments, and experience both deteriorating health and financial loss. The present study sought to determine the factors affecting child labor and the characteristics of their working environment. (2) Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted with 80 child laborers aged 5 to 17 years. Alongside descriptive statistics, a newly devised technique known as the Influencing Causes Index (ICI) was administered and tested. (3) Results: The demographic findings reveal that most child laborers are young children (12–14 years) and 32.5% of child laborers have never attended school. The thorough assessment of determinants reflects that not only poverty but schooling expenses and a lack of access to opportunities in primary schools are also the top-ranked push factors to trigger children towards labor. Around 72.5% of children work for over 8 h a day. A significant proportion of participants received no leave, training, or access to hygiene facilities. The existing pattern of employment and working conditions resulted in musculoskeletal pain and dermatological infections among child laborers (p < 0.05). (4) Conclusions: This research suggests that income measures for households and an education program for both children and parents would expedite the abolition of child labor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107
Number of pages14
JournalSocial Sciences
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021


  • Bangladesh
  • Child labor
  • Poverty
  • Schooling
  • Working conditions


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