Using local clinical educators and shared resources to deliver simulation training activities across rural and remote South Australia and south-west Victoria: A distributed collaborative model

Stacey Masters, Sandra Elliott, Sarah Boyd, James Dunbar

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    Problem: There is a lack of access to simulation-based education (SBE) for professional entry students (PES) and health professionals at rural and remote locations. Design: A descriptive study. Setting: Health and education facilities in regional South Australia and south-west Victoria. Key measures for improvement: Number of training recipients who participated in SBE; geographical distribution and locations where SBE was delivered; number of rural clinical educators providing SBE. Strategies for change: A distributed model to deliver SBE in rural and remote locations in collaboration with local health and community services, education providers and the general public. Face-to-face meetings with health services and education providers identified gaps in locally delivered clinical skills training and availability of simulation resources. Clinical leadership, professional development and community of practice strategies were implemented to enhance capacity of rural clinical educators to deliver SBE. Effects of change: The number of SBE participants and training hours delivered exceeded targets. The distributed model enabled access to regular, localised training for PES and health professionals, minimising travel and staff backfill costs incurred when attending regional centres. The skills acquired by local educators remain in rural areas to support future training. Lessons learnt: The distributed collaborative model substantially increased access to clinical skills training for PES and health professionals in rural and remote locations. Developing the teaching skills of rural clinicians optimised the use of simulation resources. Consequently, health services were able to provide students with flexible and realistic learning opportunities in clinical procedures, communication techniques and teamwork skills.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)311-316
    Number of pages6
    JournalAustralian Journal of Rural Health
    Issue number5
    Early online date2017
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017


    • clinical competencies
    • continuing professional development
    • professional entry
    • rural access
    • simulation-based education


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