Using social return on investment analysis to value the social impact of modified vehicles to people with disability: "I drive myself every day...I don't know what I would do without my car"

Claire Hutchinson, Angela Berndt, Susan Gilbert-Hunt, Stacey George, Julie Ratcliffe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


People with acquired disabilities often have return to driving as a rehabilitation goal and, given the technological advances in vehicle modifications (VMs), people with lifelong disabilities have greater opportunity to drive for the first time. Returning to driving has been associated with a range of positive social, economic and health outcomes. Yet to date there has been no economic evaluation of VMs, in Australia or internationally. This study aimed to identify the personal, community and social impact of VMs using social return on investment analysis (SROI). SROI analysis is an innovative approach that aims to place values on social outcomes to produce a ratio of total spend to total impact e.g. a ratio of 3:1 indicates that $3 of value was generated for every $1 spent.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAustralian Assistive Technology Conference: Collaborate, empower, transform realising opportunities with assistive technologies solutions - Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 27 Jul 201629 Jul 2016 (Conference flyer)


ConferenceAustralian Assistive Technology Conference
Abbreviated titleAATC 2016
CityGold Coast
OtherAssistive technology solutions are essential enablers in everyday life. They are becoming increasingly important to all people with an interest in health, disability, aged care,education, and employment services.Come and be a part of designing and shaping the future of assistive technology products and services by attending the Australian Assistive Technology Conference in July 2016. ARATA and OTA are proud to invite you to the Gold Coast for 3 days of unparalleled networking, continuing education, and advocacy opportunities. This conference will offer a diverse range of interactive, thought-provoking and educational sessions exploring current practice in the assistive technology sector. It will feature people who use assistive technologies in their daily lives as well as people who are passionate about promoting the effective design, selection and use of assistive technology solutions.The Gold Coast, Queensland, is the host city for AATC2016 and will be a great place to escape the winter chill. A carefully considered social program will be an opportunity for delegates to come together to build networks and relationships away from the formality of Conference sessions.
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