Validation of a minimal panel of antibodies for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

Steven Kao, Kim Griggs, Kenneth Lee, Nicola Armstrong, Stephen Clarke, Nico van Zandwijk, Juliet Burn, Brian McCaughan, Douglas Henderson, Sonja Klebe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    22 Citations (Scopus)


    Aims: We previously established the use of a minimal panel of antibodies as sufficient to diagnose most epithelial malignant mesothelioma (MPM). We aimed to validate this approach and investigate the utility of a D2-40 antibody. Methods: A series of 80 MPM patients selected for surgery and 21 consecutive patients with pleural metastatic carcinoma were included. A minimal panel of antibodies, consisting of calretinin, BG8 and CD15, and D2-40 was investigated. Results: Therewere 61 epithelial and 19 biphasicMPMaswell as 12 metastatic lung, six breast (5 ductal adenocarcinomas, 1 mixed ductal/lobular adenocarcinoma), two serous papillary ovarian carcinomas and one moderately differentiated colorectal adenocarcinoma. The sensitivity of positive calretinin labelling to confirm the diagnosis of MPM was 97.5%, while the 'diagnostic sensitivities' of lack of labeling for BG8 and CD15 were 91.3% and 97.5%, respectively. The use of calretinin, BG8 and CD15 resulted in correct classification in 97.5% of all MPMs. All MPM cases investigated showed at least focal positive D2-40 labelling. Conclusions: We have validated the usefulness of a minimal panel of antibodies with calretinin, BG8 and CD15 as the initial step to the diagnosis of MPM. D2-40 emerged as a helpful diagnostic tool for cases where our initial approach failed to conclusively diagnose MPM.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)313-317
    Number of pages5
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2011


    • Antibody
    • Calretinin
    • D2-40
    • Malignant pleural mesothelioma


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