Validation of fragment hits in X-ray crystal complexes

Pramod Nair, Alpeshkumar Malde, Alan Mark

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventThe East Coast Protein Meeting 2011 - Opal Cove Resort, Coffs Harbour, Australia
    Duration: 15 Jul 201117 Jul 2011


    ConferenceThe East Coast Protein Meeting 2011
    Abbreviated titleECPM2011
    CityCoffs Harbour
    OtherThis biennial meeting is a joint initiative of the Queensland and Sydney Protein Groups and this year we are welcoming our sister organisation, the Melbourne Protein Group as well. The meeting is designed to provide a forum for Postdocs and Students to present their work in any protein-related field. Plenary speakers this year will be Ted Baker (University of Auckland) and Peter Waterhouse (University of Sydney).

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