Visualising the Correlation Between Vasari's Accounts of Giotto's Travels and Contemporary Research to Better Understand their Reliability

Theodor Wyeld

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Giorgio Vasari (1511 - 1574) was perhaps the first art-historian to earnestly record the life and times of the great artists of the Italian Renaissance. Of the many he recorded, Giotto di Bond one (1267 - 1337) is heralded as the 'father' of the Renaissance perspective style. However, contemporary research suggests much of Vasari's accounts of Giotto's life and travels are fictional. This paper attempts to explore how reliable Vasari's accounts are by correlating his chronological narrative of Giotto's life with contemporary research and Giotto's chronicled works. Using interactive integrated timeline and mapping visualisation tools it was possible to identify greater accuracy in Vasari's accounts than that suggested by the literature.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation -
    Duration: 16 Jul 2014 → …


    Conference2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation
    Period16/07/14 → …


    • Giotto
    • Mapping
    • Timeline
    • Vasari
    • Visualisation


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