Walking together to create harmony in research: a Murri woman’s approach to Indigenous research methodology

Julieann Coombes, Courtney Ryder

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Purpose: One’s standpoint and consequent research paradigm impacts how we conduct research, including study design, analyses interpretation and dissemination of results. In 2017, the authors began PhD, studying the potential barriers to aftercare treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged under 16 who had sustained a burn injury in one of five major hospitals in Australia. The paper aims to discuss this issue. Design/methodology/approach: As Aboriginal PhD students, the authors are conducting research using Aboriginal ontology as a framework, which is based on a holistic framework with interconnectedness, person-centred care and Aboriginal ways of knowing as the foundation. The framework has been shaped by the first author’s knowing, being and doing, and the authors’ worldview has informed and shaped the standpoint and the way the research has been developed and conducted. Findings: It was important for the authors to have a connectedness to each aspect of the research and to each individual person that shared their story: this was paramount to the ways of being. Originality/value: This connectedness stems from growing up on the authors’ country and learning from elders, from the connection to all entities living around, within and with the authors. The Indigenous research methodology was used throughout the study, including yarning and Dadirri, a way of deep listening and learning, as the basis for interviewing.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)58-67
    Number of pages10
    JournalQualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2020


    • Aftercare
    • Burns
    • Child
    • Dadirri
    • First Nation
    • Yarning


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