War trophies and curios from New Guinea in WW1: interview by Ellen Fanning, ABC Radio National, broadcast 25 April 2014, 8:24 AEST

Christine Winter

    Research output: Other contribution


    100 years ago, Australia's first military action in World War 1 was not in Europe, but German Papua New Guinea. The easy victory and first months of boredom created a misguided sense of optimism, that the war would be easily won.

    It was also the beginning of a tradition by Australian volunteer forces of sending home captured mementos, war trophies and curios.

    In one famous case, it even led to a court marshal.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputRadio
    PublisherABC Radio National
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2014


    • New Guinea
    • World War I


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