What constitutes health promotion innovation?

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


In an effort to achieve the mission of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia to publish ‘high-quality research and critical perspectives from researchers, decision-makers and practitioners that contribute to improving knowledge and evidence for health promotion action across Australasia’, preference is given to articles presenting significant, innovative and/or useful findings from methodologically robust and cutting-edge qualitative and quantitative studies of health-promoting policies, strategies, programs and evaluations. Yet, as the Editor-in-Chief, I often find myself pondering whether the manuscripts submitted reflect health promotion innovation. I ask myself ‘do the contributions provide something new, different or unique for the health promotion community that builds on, or extends, the findings and conclusions of past scholarship?’. While innovation is embedded in the way the editorial team assess the relevance of submissions to our readership, it is a pretty fluid concept. It is as much subjective, as it is objective. Yet, the National Preventive Health Strategy (NPHS) states that ‘across Australia there are many examples of effective and innovative approaches to prevention’. I agree, but I also think that there is lots of ambiguity about what health promotion innovation constitutes.

So…, I thought it could be useful to explore this concept a little further to help guide potential authors about what we mean by health promotion innovation...
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-310
Number of pages2
JournalHealth Promotion Journal of Australia
Issue number2
Early online date17 Mar 2022
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • Health promotion
  • Public health
  • Health education


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