Who responds better? Factors influencing a positive response to brief alcohol interventions for individuals with traumatic brain injury

Jennie Ponsford, Laura Tweedly, Nicole Lee, John Taffe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    OBJECTIVE:: To investigate variables associated with the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption following a brief alcohol intervention in individuals with traumatic brain injury. PARTICIPANTS:: Initial sample of 60 participants with traumatic brain injury (mean age = 35 years) with preinjury history of alcohol use; of whom, 50 were evaluated at follow-up. RESEARCH DESIGN:: Randomized controlled trial, stratified for gender, which used a random-effects regression model to examine the association of predictor variables with the frequency and quantity of alcohol use 6 months following a brief alcohol intervention. MAIN MEASURES:: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; Time Line Follow Back; California Verbal Learning Test-II; Modified Six Elements Test; Readiness to Change Questionnaire; and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. INTERVENTIONS:: Participants received one of the following treatments: informal discussion; discussion plus information; and brief motivational interview plus information. RESULTS:: While both intervention groups showed less drinking, the intervention group membership effect was not significant. Being in the action stage of readiness to change was associated with lower drinking frequency and quantity. Higher education and higher levels of depression were associated with increased drinking. Memory and executive function, and heavy preinjury alcohol use, were not significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS:: These findings support a focus on readiness to change behavior and treatment of depression in addressing alcohol use issues following traumatic brain injury. Treatment efficacy studies in larger samples are needed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)342-348
    Number of pages7
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012


    • alcohol
    • brain injury
    • intervention study
    • motivational interviewing
    • predictors
    • randomized controlled trial
    • substance use
    • treatment outcome


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