You Can't Have One without the Other: Transactions between Education and Wellbeing for Indigenous Peoples

Helen Askell-Williams, Michael Coughlan, Michael Lawson, Felicity-Ann Lewis, Rosalind Murray-Harvey, Kim O'Donnell, Judith Peppard, Phillip Slee, Simone Tur

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    We start with a story from one of our authors that tells about the possibility of change. The need for change is highlighted by a short review of the dire situation in health and education for many Indigenous peoples. We argue firstly for a recognition of the importance of transactions, or reciprocal relations, among elements of complex systems such as education and health. We review existing literature on the education–health nexus and consider the applicability of extant research fi ndings to the situations of Indigenous Australians. We then consider contemporary issues in education, such as constructivism and self-regulated learning, with a view to considering how these might inform recommendations for change. A number of areas where change could be effected are then discussed. The first of these involves re-conceptualisation of the multi-level system that influences outcomes in education and wellbeing. Change is also required in the theoretical perspectives used to inform the educational research agenda, in consideration of where, and with whom, educational efforts might be made. We consider how recent research on conceptual change might provoke new locations and imperatives for educational action. Finally, we recommend areas for future research such that ensuing practices are founded on good quality knowledge.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBeyond Bandaids
    Subtitle of host publicationExploring the Underlying Social Determinants of Aboriginal Health
    EditorsIan Anderson, Fran Baum, Michael Bentley
    PublisherCRC Aboriginal Health
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Print)9780734037442
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventSocial Determinants of Aborignial Health Workshop -
    Duration: 1 Jul 2004 → …


    ConferenceSocial Determinants of Aborignial Health Workshop
    Period1/07/04 → …


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